How to earn a 7-figure income without sales
One of the things I love about affiliate marketing is the sheer variety of paths you can take. There is literally something for everyone.
If you're like me and tend to get bored a little too easily, then there's always something different you can try - a hot new trend or a revolutionary new method to adopt.
I recently attended a conference that was so ClickBank focused I almost went cross-eyed. ClickBank has become synonymous with affiliate marketing, and yet there are so many more ways to make money as an affiliate.
I decided to step away from the herd and look at another avenue - the Cost per Action (CPA) model.
This is where an advertiser will pay you for a specific action linked to an ad, for example filling out a form or quick survey.
You'll often see them as banners asking questions. I don't know about you, but everywhere I go these days I seem to spot a banner telling me what Barack Obama's IQ is and asking me to check out if mine is higher than his. That's an example of a CPA offer.
The bit I like is that it doesn't matter whether the visitor buys or not, the advertiser is going to pay me just for directing that person through their doors.
In other words, I can lead the horse to water and let someone else worry about how to make Trigger drink.
The other big 'Yes' for me is that the person doesn't have to whip their credit card out and pause to think about it too much. They're filling in 3 or more fields and supplying their email address. It's way easier than trying to convert someone into a sale. You're basically eliminating the toughest part of the process.
Here are some more examples of CPA offers:
You get paid when someone fills in a credit card application form
You get paid when a prospective student applies for university
Bank a cheque for asking someone's opinion for their chance to win a prize
Get paid just for getting people's zip codes!
How good is that? These offers can range from $2/lead to upwards of $50/lead. Even if you're getting a thousand people through at $2/lead, you're still earning $2,000 per day for a not-so-hard day's work. Remember these are leads, these people don't have to buy for you to get paid.
Now if you don't know all there is to know about CPA offers yet, then it's best to learn from an expert who does. Better to duplicate an already wildly successful model then to try and re-invent the wheel.
Gauher Chaudhry is a full-time traffic broker that in his own words "stumbled" into CPA marketing and a $2 million a year income.
When he did a cost per sale offer, he thought he'd try a CPA offer on the same page as well. Lo and behold, that was the one that made money so he decided to send all the traffic to that instead.
That was 5 years ago and now he does very little cost per sale marketing. Many of you would know him as the genius behind PPC Formula 1.0, where even seasoned affiliate marketers said they learned something new.
Pay Per Click Formula is basically a home study course training you how to make thousands of dollars a month with CPA offers using pay per click traffic.
It's now been 2 years since PPC Formula 1.0 was released. Plenty of time for Gauher to put something really special together for PPC Formula 2.0.
Gauher's never been a hypey sales type of guy so when he says "There is cutting edge information in my PPC course that CAN'T be found in other PPC course." then you can count on learning a goldmine from Gauher that you won't hear from anyone else.
I've had a squiz (Aussie slang for 'had a look') at the course and it includes training videos, downloadable PDFs, useful tools and also live video footage from Gauher's sold out event in Toronto.
Here's a look at how Gauher will teach you in Pay Per Click Formula 2.0. There's a lot of detail here but I want you to be sure of exactly what you'd learn so take the time to read through each module carefully.
Module 1: Introduction To CPA Marketing and Traffic Brokering
An introduction to CPA marketing including a variety of different strategies to build your traffic brokering business from ground up. This module also covers the dirty side of CPA marketing and how to avoid losing CPA commissions.
Module 2: Market Research and Offer Selection
Time is one of the finite variables that you have against you. Doing proper market research and offer selection is key to finding more winning offers and spending your time on offers that have the best chance at turning a profit.
Module 3: Keyword Research and Tactics
This is probably the most important module of the entire course. Keep in mind that nothing happens with PPC marketing without keywords. The biggest favor that you can do for yourself is to become a keyword master researcher. Use all the tools I provide you here to build keyword lists that are anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 keywords per offer.
Module 4: Silo Site Building and Landing Pages
This module covers building a solo structure web site to please Google Adwords and landing page designs for optimal conversions. Included are resources and tools to help improve your landing pages for all the major PPC search engines.
Module 5: Ad Copy
How you write your ads on the PPC search engines is what dictates your first impressions to your prospects. This module covers effective ad writing including cheat sheets to help you write ads that perform better than your competitors.
Module 6: Google Adwords Search Network
Google is the Grand-Daddy of all the major PPC search engines and controls an incredible 63% (March 2009) of the entire search market. You can get a ton of traffic from Google's search network, but there are a lot of rules, restrictions and a bit of pain involved in really ramping up on the search network.
Module 7: Google Adwords Content Network
This module covers the largest advertising platform in the world. You have the ability to have the CPA offers you would like to promote placed on millions of web sites that participate in the Google Adsense program. The traffic on the content network dwarfs the search network with much lower bids giving you the chance to make great money as a traffic broker.
Module 8: Google Adwords Placement Targeting
This module goes further into detail on how placement targeting works on the Google content network. If you understand how to master placement targeting, you can literally dominate targeted web sites with your ad and increase the amount of CPA leads you generate.
Module 9: Yahoo Search Marketing
This module covers Yahoo Search Marketing, which still has a large 21% (March 2009) share of the search market. This PPC search engine should be mastered by all PPCF members as there is a considerable amount of good quality traffic that can be driven to CPA offers at a much cheaper price that Google.
Module 10: MSN Adcenter
MSN hit an all-time low as far as share of the search market recently with only a 8.2% share (March 2009). But in experience the quality is still the best out of the big 3 PPC search engines. Their interface is still slow and clunky, but they have come out with their beta MSN Desktop Editor that should speed things up.
Module 11: Other PPC Search Engines
Although the big 3 PPC search engines are the kings in town, you can still get very cheap and targeted traffic from second tier PPC search engines. A lot of them will be "hit and miss", but once you find a campaign that "hits" on one of these smaller PPC search engines, you can make a boat load of money.
Module 12: Organic Planting
The beauty of PPC traffic is that you can quickly get data on what keywords convert for certain CPA offers. If you find keywords that consistently perform for certain offers over a long period of time, it only makes sense to take those keywords and build natural SEO traffic to CPA offers. This module covers how to do that so that you can earn CPA commissions on free traffic.
Module 13: Domain Domination
After analyzing your data and determining what your profitable keywords are, you can take those keyword money magnets and apply other traffic techniques to get more traffic and conversions. This module will cover those techniques.
Module 14: Testing & Tracking
Testing and tracking is the foundation to determining what keywords work for what offers. This module covers the different mechanisms of tracking your PPC campaigns and also provides a list of tools to help you track right down to the keyword level.
Module 15: Regeneration of Lost Traffic
This is one of the main pillars of the new PPCF 2.0 course. The problem with PPC traffic is that fact that you have to pay for it and in most cases you will lose 80% of the traffic that you paid for without getting a CPA conversion. This module will help you change that so you get more money for you ad spend.
Module 16: Other Advanced Tactics
This module covers other advanced tactics that don't really fit into the other modules.
Module 17: Social Media Traffic
Facebook and MySpace have a combined membership of over 300 million users and both have come out with their own PPC platforms. This module briefly covers both these new platforms and how to set up campaigns to take advantage of the social traffic that these sites provide.
Module 18: Free PPC Ads
Is It possible to get free ads from major PPC search engines such as Google Adwords? Technically, yes. You just need to really think 'out-of-the-box' in order to get free traffic.
Case Studies
What better way to learn than to see how others before you have done it.
The module that caught my eye straight away was 'Free PPC Ads'. I had to stop what I was doing and watch that video straight away :)
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