The way we do business is changing rapidly. From VOIP, video conferencing, email support, telephone answering services, and the almighty internet. As a business owner we are faced with hundreds of decisions our parents and grandparents never had to contend with.
Some of you keep hearing from other business associates that internet marketing is the greatest method of increasing business and building a foundation for customer support. The only problem is, you've just learned how to send emails to people! Never mind learning about SEO, web design strategies, content analysis, pay per click, ROI, etc!
Do you hire an SEO company or do you learn yourself?
Investing time into your company is what we business owners do best but, in many cases, when it comes to learning new methods we quickly open our wallets to anyone out there who seems like the right person to help with your situation. This is the worst possible decision you can make.
Diving into the internet marketing community with your wallet open will result in a disaster if you aren't properly trained on how to spend your money wisely. The key is not to hire an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company to take your money and promote your business behind your back. Try finding someone who offers you their "training services" in order to train yourself or someone within your organization to learn more about what is required online, how much effort it entails, and what pitfalls to avoid.
As a business owner, if you blindly search online and pick a company, you have no idea what you could be getting yourself into. There are no secrets to promoting your business online, only a lot of hard work. That being said, anyone with a computer can easily learn how to get their company high search engine rankings. Search engines don't look to see whether or not you're running a scam. No, they are concentrated on delivering relevant results for your search terms.
Old Fashioned Marketing Tactics:
In the old days (and still practiced today), business owners would devise their own marketing plan through print media, business cards, postcards, flyers, brochures, newspapers, magazines, TV ads, and radio ads. By doing this, the company could track their results by trial and error and really find out what truly works for their industry.
Old fashioned marketing is a simple trial and error process. So is the internet. Unfortunately, all too many business owners don't have a clue how to start their own internet marketing process and they fail to even put their foot in the water. Instead, many business owners simply hire anyone they can find that seems reputable and then turn a blind eye and say; "Here's my budget, you are the professional, you tell me what to do". This is simply preposterous. You've worked so hard to get to where you are now by learning and adapting and as soon as it comes to marketing your business online, you simply shut down.
I hope that this article has awoken some of you. Don't be afraid to dive into the internet's vast realm of marketing potential. So what if you fail the first time around. When we started out, we had no idea what we were doing, 3 years later our website ranks higher than many other internet marketing companies world wide.
The ULTIMATE secret to internet marketing is simple...
A concept I call "T.I.M.E."
T - Try and try again
I - Internet changes all the time
M - Marketing opportunities are around every corner
E - Eventually you too can succeed
Think of it this way (Illustration only)
Here is a timeline of your internet marketing campaign:
Start date - Research only: June 7th, 2005
Hired a website designer - August 31st, 2005
Website Complete - October 15th, 2005
Website launch - October 20th, 2005
Started an internet marketing campaign - November 1st, 2005
Started a Pay Per Click campaign - November 10th, 2005
Made a sale - November 15th, 2005
Increased our website’s link popularity - January 1st, 2006
Website gets hit by the Google Sandbox Effect - January 20th, 2006
Increased our Pay Per Click campaign - February 5th, 2006
Made some changes to the website - February 21st, 2006
Increase the website’s link popularity - February 28th, 2006
Got listed in the Yahoo directory - March 3rd, 2006
So here you are 10 months out of the gate and your website may still be "locked in the Google sandbox" ( Search for "Google Sandbox" in Google for an explanation). Your link popularity is just starting to grow a little bit. Hopefully you haven't tried to link to everyone you can find and are actually linking to companies that are directly related to your business. Your PPC campaign is doing good. People are finally starting to come through Yahoo & MSN search results. You can sometimes find your company in the 200th spot within search results in Google and you are now wondering why this is taking so long.
Welcome to the world of marketing your company on the internet!!!
This timeline representation from above is just something to show you how "T.I.M.E." is the key of success on the internet and all we are required to do is keep plugging away and keep learning more every chance we get.
For most people who simply open up their wallets, they would have learned nothing in those 10 months and for everyone else starting an internet marketing campaign, those who didn't simply just open their wallets, their websites are probably 10 times further than yours!
In Conclusion:
Learn more about how to increase your marketing campaign on the internet. If you have to, hire someone in-house who can learn for you and give you updates on everything. If you truly need to hire an SEO company make sure it's for the right reasons like "starting and finishing a marketing campaign with you learning in the process", or "enhancing a campaign that is already in place", or "to revise your website’s conversion rate" or "create a impactful key word optimization campaign", etc. Take your time and use "T.I.M.E." to increase your business slowly but effectively on the internet.
I hope you've enjoyed this article!
About the author:
About The Author:
Martin Lemieux is the president of the Smartads Advertising Network. Smartads is here to help grow your business online and offline through effective marketing strategies. Visit our network today!
Marketing Your Business - How Do I Adapt To The Internet?
Posted by Gadis | 7:30 AM | Marketing Your Business - How Do I Adapt To The Internet? | 0 comments »Marketing Your Business - How Do I Adapt To The Internet?
Posted by Gadis | 7:30 AM | Marketing Your Business - How Do I Adapt To The Internet? | 0 comments »The way we do business is changing rapidly. From VOIP, video conferencing, email support, telephone answering services, and the almighty internet. As a business owner we are faced with hundreds of decisions our parents and grandparents never had to contend with.
Some of you keep hearing from other business associates that internet marketing is the greatest method of increasing business and building a foundation for customer support. The only problem is, you've just learned how to send emails to people! Never mind learning about SEO, web design strategies, content analysis, pay per click, ROI, etc!
Do you hire an SEO company or do you learn yourself?
Investing time into your company is what we business owners do best but, in many cases, when it comes to learning new methods we quickly open our wallets to anyone out there who seems like the right person to help with your situation. This is the worst possible decision you can make.
Diving into the internet marketing community with your wallet open will result in a disaster if you aren't properly trained on how to spend your money wisely. The key is not to hire an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company to take your money and promote your business behind your back. Try finding someone who offers you their "training services" in order to train yourself or someone within your organization to learn more about what is required online, how much effort it entails, and what pitfalls to avoid.
As a business owner, if you blindly search online and pick a company, you have no idea what you could be getting yourself into. There are no secrets to promoting your business online, only a lot of hard work. That being said, anyone with a computer can easily learn how to get their company high search engine rankings. Search engines don't look to see whether or not you're running a scam. No, they are concentrated on delivering relevant results for your search terms.
Old Fashioned Marketing Tactics:
In the old days (and still practiced today), business owners would devise their own marketing plan through print media, business cards, postcards, flyers, brochures, newspapers, magazines, TV ads, and radio ads. By doing this, the company could track their results by trial and error and really find out what truly works for their industry.
Old fashioned marketing is a simple trial and error process. So is the internet. Unfortunately, all too many business owners don't have a clue how to start their own internet marketing process and they fail to even put their foot in the water. Instead, many business owners simply hire anyone they can find that seems reputable and then turn a blind eye and say; "Here's my budget, you are the professional, you tell me what to do". This is simply preposterous. You've worked so hard to get to where you are now by learning and adapting and as soon as it comes to marketing your business online, you simply shut down.
I hope that this article has awoken some of you. Don't be afraid to dive into the internet's vast realm of marketing potential. So what if you fail the first time around. When we started out, we had no idea what we were doing, 3 years later our website ranks higher than many other internet marketing companies world wide.
The ULTIMATE secret to internet marketing is simple...
A concept I call "T.I.M.E."
T - Try and try again
I - Internet changes all the time
M - Marketing opportunities are around every corner
E - Eventually you too can succeed
Think of it this way (Illustration only)
Here is a timeline of your internet marketing campaign:
Start date - Research only: June 7th, 2005
Hired a website designer - August 31st, 2005
Website Complete - October 15th, 2005
Website launch - October 20th, 2005
Started an internet marketing campaign - November 1st, 2005
Started a Pay Per Click campaign - November 10th, 2005
Made a sale - November 15th, 2005
Increased our website’s link popularity - January 1st, 2006
Website gets hit by the Google Sandbox Effect - January 20th, 2006
Increased our Pay Per Click campaign - February 5th, 2006
Made some changes to the website - February 21st, 2006
Increase the website’s link popularity - February 28th, 2006
Got listed in the Yahoo directory - March 3rd, 2006
So here you are 10 months out of the gate and your website may still be "locked in the Google sandbox" ( Search for "Google Sandbox" in Google for an explanation). Your link popularity is just starting to grow a little bit. Hopefully you haven't tried to link to everyone you can find and are actually linking to companies that are directly related to your business. Your PPC campaign is doing good. People are finally starting to come through Yahoo & MSN search results. You can sometimes find your company in the 200th spot within search results in Google and you are now wondering why this is taking so long.
Welcome to the world of marketing your company on the internet!!!
This timeline representation from above is just something to show you how "T.I.M.E." is the key of success on the internet and all we are required to do is keep plugging away and keep learning more every chance we get.
For most people who simply open up their wallets, they would have learned nothing in those 10 months and for everyone else starting an internet marketing campaign, those who didn't simply just open their wallets, their websites are probably 10 times further than yours!
In Conclusion:
Learn more about how to increase your marketing campaign on the internet. If you have to, hire someone in-house who can learn for you and give you updates on everything. If you truly need to hire an SEO company make sure it's for the right reasons like "starting and finishing a marketing campaign with you learning in the process", or "enhancing a campaign that is already in place", or "to revise your website’s conversion rate" or "create a impactful key word optimization campaign", etc. Take your time and use "T.I.M.E." to increase your business slowly but effectively on the internet.
I hope you've enjoyed this article!
About the author:
About The Author:
Martin Lemieux is the president of the Smartads Advertising Network. Smartads is here to help grow your business online and offline through effective marketing strategies. Visit our network today!
Marketing Your Business - How Do I Adapt To The Internet?
Posted by Gadis | 7:30 AM | Marketing Your Business - How Do I Adapt To The Internet? | 0 comments »The way we do business is changing rapidly. From VOIP, video conferencing, email support, telephone answering services, and the almighty internet. As a business owner we are faced with hundreds of decisions our parents and grandparents never had to contend with.
Some of you keep hearing from other business associates that internet marketing is the greatest method of increasing business and building a foundation for customer support. The only problem is, you've just learned how to send emails to people! Never mind learning about SEO, web design strategies, content analysis, pay per click, ROI, etc!
Do you hire an SEO company or do you learn yourself?
Investing time into your company is what we business owners do best but, in many cases, when it comes to learning new methods we quickly open our wallets to anyone out there who seems like the right person to help with your situation. This is the worst possible decision you can make.
Diving into the internet marketing community with your wallet open will result in a disaster if you aren't properly trained on how to spend your money wisely. The key is not to hire an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company to take your money and promote your business behind your back. Try finding someone who offers you their "training services" in order to train yourself or someone within your organization to learn more about what is required online, how much effort it entails, and what pitfalls to avoid.
As a business owner, if you blindly search online and pick a company, you have no idea what you could be getting yourself into. There are no secrets to promoting your business online, only a lot of hard work. That being said, anyone with a computer can easily learn how to get their company high search engine rankings. Search engines don't look to see whether or not you're running a scam. No, they are concentrated on delivering relevant results for your search terms.
Old Fashioned Marketing Tactics:
In the old days (and still practiced today), business owners would devise their own marketing plan through print media, business cards, postcards, flyers, brochures, newspapers, magazines, TV ads, and radio ads. By doing this, the company could track their results by trial and error and really find out what truly works for their industry.
Old fashioned marketing is a simple trial and error process. So is the internet. Unfortunately, all too many business owners don't have a clue how to start their own internet marketing process and they fail to even put their foot in the water. Instead, many business owners simply hire anyone they can find that seems reputable and then turn a blind eye and say; "Here's my budget, you are the professional, you tell me what to do". This is simply preposterous. You've worked so hard to get to where you are now by learning and adapting and as soon as it comes to marketing your business online, you simply shut down.
I hope that this article has awoken some of you. Don't be afraid to dive into the internet's vast realm of marketing potential. So what if you fail the first time around. When we started out, we had no idea what we were doing, 3 years later our website ranks higher than many other internet marketing companies world wide.
The ULTIMATE secret to internet marketing is simple...
A concept I call "T.I.M.E."
T - Try and try again
I - Internet changes all the time
M - Marketing opportunities are around every corner
E - Eventually you too can succeed
Think of it this way (Illustration only)
Here is a timeline of your internet marketing campaign:
Start date - Research only: June 7th, 2005
Hired a website designer - August 31st, 2005
Website Complete - October 15th, 2005
Website launch - October 20th, 2005
Started an internet marketing campaign - November 1st, 2005
Started a Pay Per Click campaign - November 10th, 2005
Made a sale - November 15th, 2005
Increased our website’s link popularity - January 1st, 2006
Website gets hit by the Google Sandbox Effect - January 20th, 2006
Increased our Pay Per Click campaign - February 5th, 2006
Made some changes to the website - February 21st, 2006
Increase the website’s link popularity - February 28th, 2006
Got listed in the Yahoo directory - March 3rd, 2006
So here you are 10 months out of the gate and your website may still be "locked in the Google sandbox" ( Search for "Google Sandbox" in Google for an explanation). Your link popularity is just starting to grow a little bit. Hopefully you haven't tried to link to everyone you can find and are actually linking to companies that are directly related to your business. Your PPC campaign is doing good. People are finally starting to come through Yahoo & MSN search results. You can sometimes find your company in the 200th spot within search results in Google and you are now wondering why this is taking so long.
Welcome to the world of marketing your company on the internet!!!
This timeline representation from above is just something to show you how "T.I.M.E." is the key of success on the internet and all we are required to do is keep plugging away and keep learning more every chance we get.
For most people who simply open up their wallets, they would have learned nothing in those 10 months and for everyone else starting an internet marketing campaign, those who didn't simply just open their wallets, their websites are probably 10 times further than yours!
In Conclusion:
Learn more about how to increase your marketing campaign on the internet. If you have to, hire someone in-house who can learn for you and give you updates on everything. If you truly need to hire an SEO company make sure it's for the right reasons like "starting and finishing a marketing campaign with you learning in the process", or "enhancing a campaign that is already in place", or "to revise your website’s conversion rate" or "create a impactful key word optimization campaign", etc. Take your time and use "T.I.M.E." to increase your business slowly but effectively on the internet.
I hope you've enjoyed this article!
About the author:
About The Author:
Martin Lemieux is the president of the Smartads Advertising Network. Smartads is here to help grow your business online and offline through effective marketing strategies. Visit our network today!
The hottest new craze to hit the Internet - Pixel Ads
Posted by Gadis | 7:29 AM | The hottest new craze to hit the Internet - Pixel Ads | 0 comments »Every website needs traffic in order to generate business. Without traffic, your product will never be seen by the general public and your Internet Business is doomed for failure.
I generate traffic to my website through traditional channels such as writing articles, submitting to directories, link exchanges, Search Engines, etc. I also have supplemented this traffic through paid advertising methods such as Pay per Clicks (PPC), paid inclusion, and banner rotations to name a few.
I remember a few years ago when I could target a high traffic keyword through the Pay per Click search engines for .01 cents a click. Wow! Those were the days. Now, you’re lucky to get that same keyword for less than a $1.00 a click.
While some of these advertising methods bring decent traffic, most are becoming oversaturated with advertisers, which automatically brings the price up and the effectiveness down.
Recently, I stumbled across another advertising method that is affordable (and sometimes free) that is highly effective. In fact, I’m seeing these sites Alexa rankings shooting from 800,000 to the 1,000’s in less than a months time. The upward trends on the Alexa charts are without a doubt astonishing.
This new type of advertising is called Pixel Advertising. Go to any of these pixel websites and you will see a multitude of small boxes. Each box is usually equal to a 10 x 10 pixel in size. The costs of renting these boxes are ranging from $5.00 a box to $25.00 a box, and some of them are actually free. Simply select the quantity of boxes you want and upload your image.
The “BEST” part of this is that your image will stay on that site for up to 10 YEARS!
The demand for this type of advertising exposure is in high demand and these sites are popping up all over the Internet. My suggestion is to find one of these sites that are just getting started and offering the free or low cost pixel boxes. (Example:
Get your image on these sites and sit back and wait approximately a month for the traffic to get going good. As the traffic surges, the free spots will not be available any longer and the cost of the pixel boxes will rise.
You have nothing to loose and absolutely everything to gain. This type of advertising is sure to get oversaturated and less effective over time, but at the moment, it’s the cheapest most effective advertising method on the Internet today.
About the author:
About the Author:
Rebecca Gilbert has been a successful network marketer since July of 2002. Visit her website at:
Piggyback Promotion - The Future of Low Cost Promotion
Posted by Gadis | 7:28 AM | Piggyback Promotion - The Future of Low Cost Promotion | 0 comments »With the ever-increasing prices for search engine promotion and pay per click advertising, it has become next to impossible for low budget businesses to compete effectively in that field. A unique concept, piggyback promotion, looks at search engines from a completely different angle. By docking two of the most effective forms of online advertising, it is now possible for low budget businesses to compete on the same level as that of the more financially blessed.
(PRWEB) April 6, 2004--It is an undeniable fact that search engine visibility has become a fundamental necessity to any business - both large and small.
- Predictions for 2005 suggest that there will be a billion people online globally (IDC).
- Research shows that 85% of all traffic to websites and 70% of all online purchases originate from a search engine or directory, like Google, Yahoo, or MSN. (According to the Georgia Institute of Technology and Jupiter Research.)
Although search engines are hands down the best source of targeted visitors, due to the expensive nature of search engine promotion and pay per click advertising, most businesses with a low marketing budget simply give up on the whole idea. Those who still dare to tread the rocky, narrow road by themselves, end up tired and disillusioned by the whole experience.
But what if the concept of search engine promotion was approached from an entirely different angle? Rather than trying to make your "website" visible, concentrate on making your "business" - the actual product(s) or service(s) - visible.
A1CyberAds ( has taken the two best methods of advertising, namely classifieds and search engine promotion, and combined them into one, the CyberAd.
The advertiser puts a full-page detailed description of his business on A1CyberAds, much like a large classified ad - large enough to satisfy the search engine spiders (also commonly known as robots or crawlers). This is then manually optimized by a professional and promoted to search engines and directories worldwide. In effect, this business is "piggybacking" on A1 to attain high rankings.
In this way, the advertiser's goal to draw people to his "business" through search engine visibility is accomplished at a mere fraction of the price it would take to promote his own "website".
An interesting side-effect that can be expected stems from the latest shift in Google's algorithms to giving preference to sites that are rich in content. This, however, is more easily said than done for the webmaster of a small site.
On the other hand, if many small businesses were to come together on one site, that site will automatically become content rich, resulting in the fact that each CyberAd will have a better chance of ranking high.
If you're one of the millions who have given up hope on search engine visibility, then piggyback promotion is definitely your answer. No more wasted time and money on search engine submission or pay per click keywords. And no more burning the night oil trying to stay on top of the ever-changing search engine algorithms.
About A1CyberAds:
A1CyberAds introduces an entirely new angle to search engine promotion. Through a unique concept of piggyback promotion, they endeavor to give small businesses the same advantage as those enjoyed by the larger businesses. A1CyberAds is a branch of, an SEO agency offering optimization and promotion services to medium and large businesses.
Contact: Mari Yamada
Company: A1CyberAds
Address: 794-4 Tanegu, Oita, JP
Phone: 97-529-2390
Fax: 97-529-2390
5 Secret Tips to Effective Pay Per Click Advertising
Posted by Gadis | 7:27 AM | 5 Secret Tips to Effective Pay Per Click Advertising | 0 comments »Yes, pay per click advertising will cost you but if you do it right, it should make you money. If you are running pay per click advertising campaign and more money is going out than coming in, something is not right. Here are 5 steps to targeting the right keywords and minimizing costs.
Are your keywords too broad?
Let's just say you have developed an amazing diet drink that is safe, effective, tasty and will guarantee that people will lose 15 lbs in 30 days. You know you have a product that is a winner and are excited about marketing it on the World Wide Web. However, you are relatively new to the Web and pick keywords that are too general and expensive like 'dieting' or 'weight loss'. Not only are you perhaps disappointed by your PPC advertising results but it will likely be draining your bank account. This is why niche keywords are so important. Look at bidding on keywords such as 'weight loss supplement' or 'weight loss drink'. Go to Overture or Word Tracker and find keywords that are more niche oriented and not so competitive.
Is your ad dull or attention getting?
It is worthwhile to spend some time learning about effective copy writing. It could be the difference between mediocrity and success. You want to know how to get someone's attention. Unfortunately saying "I have the best diet drink on the planet" doesn't work. You have to motivate and inspire people to take their time to look at what you have to offer. And, in pay per click advertising you have to do it in very few words. This can be a challenge. Learn the words that sell or attract or grab someone's attention like "Must see", "Quick results", "New…", "The truth…", "Groundbreaking…", "Instant…"
Double Check your URL!
Sounds like a no-brainer but many times people either misspell their URL or send someone to their home page instead of the page that directly relates to their question. In other words, you may have a website that is dedicated to weight loss but in your pay per click advertising, you want to direct them specifically to your diet drink. So, you would want your URL to read There is nothing more frustrating to the website visitor than having to go hunting for the information. Your job is to make it easy to find and informative. If they have to look long, they will leave. These are dollars lost to you.
What is your competition doing?
It is likely that your competitors who have a high PR (page rank) and continue to advertise, are doing something right. Learn from those who are successful. While the differences may seem subtle to you, in the World of PPC advertising a word or sentence can discourage or invite a potential website visitor.
What should my title be for my PPC ad ?
Plain and simple use the keyword that is being searched on. Don't get fancy or creative here. If someone is looking for diet drink then your ad title is 'diet drink'.
Give the website visitor what they want.
The bidding war is on
Try your best not to get caught in the bidding war game. There are plenty of ways to drive traffic to your site without spending a fortune. General keywords will always have high prices like 'dieting.' Don't fall for the trap. Most refined keywords will have lower priced bids but are excellent because they will target your traffic. A Website visitor may only be looking for diet recipes and dislike diet drinks. They are not your customer. Same for the website visitor who may want to tone-up while they are dieting. The more specific you can target your market, the better you will do.
Two other tips: If all the bids are around 25 cents and the lead bid is at $5.00, you know someone is trying to own the number 1 position. If you want to have fun bid $4.99 and they will get nailed $5.00 for every click and you will only pay 26 cents if they click on your ad. Warning though: if you want to play this game, keep an eye out so they don't drop their bid. I sometimes do this as a temporary measure to bring someone back to fair playing grounds.
Secondly, keep any eye on all of your bids. People do change what they are willing to bid on any given keyword or search term. I do an overview every few days.
The test results are back
One last key to good pay per click advertising is testing your ads. You can set up two different campaigns and rotate them for the same period of time. What you might learn could surprise you and benefit your bank account!
Jan Peterson founder of researches and reviews business opportunities Over 400 FREE reports available. Successful e-book with reprint rights also available.
About the author:
Jan Peterson founder of
Web Site Promotion: Give Your Online Promotion An Instant Boost
Posted by Gadis | 7:26 AM | Web Site Promotion: Give Your Online Promotion An Instant Boost | 0 comments »Promoting a web site the right way means using a multi-layered system. If you are expecting big sales from a one or two method web site promotion plan, you are in for a rude awakening...
Most useful promotion methods take some time to really kick-in. For a sudden surge of traffic to your web site, think about adding some well-placed targeted advertising into the mix.
Any web site, including yours, will require continuous testing. From the headlines to your sales letter, and right down to the price you are charging, you have to apply three very important ideas:
1) Test
2) Test again
3) Repeat
To get your testing into gear, it helps to start a Pay Per Click ad campaign or buy some targeted ezine ads. Within a week, you can have some serious targeted traffic so you can get an idea of what's working and what's not.
Google AdWords is a good place to learn the Pay Per Click game. If you can get the hang of AdWords, you can get some good traffic fast. You are going to pay for each visitor you get, but your other free and low-cost promotion methods will help to balance your spending. Adwords advertisers get to use built-in ad click and sales/lead conversion tools at no extra cost. This makes it easier to put the testing formula above into action.
If you want to speed up the AdWords learning curve, which can be very frustrating and expensive, you really should check out this helpful resource... This best- selling resource will save you tons of money otherwise wasted on trial and error when you don't know what you are doing, besides saving you months of learning time.
Another way to get fast traffic to your web site is to buy top sponsor or solo ads in related email and online newsletters. There are services available that will place an ad for you in many different quality ezines at once. The ad is seen by your target customers, so you get quality traffic as long as your ad copy pulls. Quality traffic is more likely to translate into leads and sales than poor quality traffic.
Buying Pay Per Click and ezine advertising can help you make up for a slow start with your web site promotions. Your free and low-cost promotion methods will give great results over time. A good mix of free promotion traffic and paid advertising traffic will give your product or service the online exposure it deserves!
About the author:
Internet Home Business Coaching
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The Click Fraud Problem how to eliminate it
Posted by Gadis | 7:25 AM | The Click Fraud Problem how to eliminate it | 0 comments »Click fraud has become a major problem for online marketers. If you participate on Google adwords campaigns or Overture, you must already pay a lot for your campaigns.
What is click fraud?
Click fraud is the deliberate clicks to PPC search engine ads for completely other reasons than expressing interest for buying the related products or services.
Overture defines click fraud as clicks arising for reasons other than the good-faith intention of an Internet user to visit a web site to purchase goods or services or to obtain information.
Google defines click fraud, or invalid clicks, as any method used to artificially and/or maliciously generate clicks or page impressions.
In simple words, Click fraud means that someone is cheating you and that you pay too much for your pay per click campaigns.
Who is doing that?
Three main groups click on pay per click ads, without real interest in the offered goods:
People who joined Google AdSense or other per click affiliate programs click on the ads on their own web site to make a little income. Often, these people cooperate with other webmasters to click on each other's ads.
Some unethical companies click on the pay per click ads of competitors to drive up their advertising costs.
Companies (often in India, Russia and China) hire people who are paid to click on ads.
Google and other search networks provide refunds to advertisers when click fraud has been discovered.
Google and Overture employ "fraud squads," or teams of people dedicated to fighting click schemes. But at least two marketing executives say such countermeasures are missing fraudulent clicks that are responsible for between 5 percent and 20 percent of advertising fees paid to all search networks.
This is a huge problem. There is no “pay per click” Company denying that click fraud exists. Web analytics companies estimates that the 50% of all click activity is fraudulent.
This means that your pay per click marketing activities are half effective as they could be because of click fraud.
Overture spokeswoman Jennifer Stephens refutes that estimate, saying that the numbers likely represent acts of fraud that are ultimately caught. She added that Overture filters most fraudulent clicks with the best antifraud system in the industry, which combines technology and human analysis.
Most advertisers are aware of the click-fraud issue but have not delved into it because of the technical complexities involved. Others are concerned that they could jeopardize their relationships with the powerful search networks if they complain too loudly.
One of the best ways to eliminate click fraud is using anti click fraud services such as ppctrax ( They provide services like the below:
IP address capture.
IP address geographic Location.
User Agent (browser, bot etc.)
See exactly what keywords are generating your clicks
Date and Time stamp
System detects sudden click spikes from one or more IP addresses
Real-time email alerts at 80% and 100% of your account's transaction utilization
IP address history - alert you to prior offenders
Another similar service is “who is clicking who”:
Other ways is the click fraud capture software like Click Auditor:
About the author:
Christos Varsamis is an internet marketing consultant. He is the creator and publisher of
Guide to Pay Per Click Search Engines
Posted by Gadis | 7:23 AM | Guide to Pay Per Click Search Engines | 0 comments »A pay per click search engine is designed for pay for performance advertising.
That means that an advertiser pays the search engine owners only for traffic that is delivered to his web site in accordance with key words that the advertiser chooses to bid on.
An advertiser has a web site that advertises vacations to Thailand.
The advertiser can bid on "vacations to Thailand" as a key word.
If he wants to be in the number one position on the search results page he can place a bid that is one cent more than the existing high bid for the key word term "vacations to Thailand".
Let's say that the present high bid is $0.20 per click.
A bid of $0.21 would than gain the top position for the advertiser.
If his key word was clicked on 10 times in one day he would pay 10 X $0. 21 , or $2.10 for the traffic that was delivered to his web site for that day. The advertiser is paying only for performance. There is no charge for the number of times that the advertisers ad appeared on the search engine web site that day. The charges are based only on the number of times that a visitor clicked on the key word and was delivered to the advertiser's web site. Thus the name "pay per click".
Why Use Pay Per Click Search Engines?
In just a few words it is because the leading Pay per Click Search Engines (PPC) can quickly deliver quality targeted traffic to your web site. Anyone who has build web sites know that building web sites is the easy part. The tough part of the process is in driving enough qualified traffic to the site to make it worth while from a commercial view point.
Even if you are successful in building a web site that the search engines love it will take some time, probably two or three months, perhaps longer, for the search engine spiders to find your site and for your site to be listed in the search engine. If you are trying to make money on the Internet that is a long time to go without traffic.
No traffic means no sales and no income. That should not be your objective unless you enjoy building web sites no matter how few people ever visit them.
With pay per click search engine accounts you can almost immediately drive qualified traffic to your web site. If you are serious about building a business on the Internet that is a pretty good reason to use Pay Per Click Search Engines.
Pay Per Click Search Engine Tips.
1. Use quality pay per click search engines that already have a high volume of traffic. It doesn't matter how cheap the bid for your key words may be if there is little traffic on the search engine and your key words are never clicked on.
2. Know your market. If you are selling "vacations to Thailand" do some research to find out what words and phases folks who are thinking of traveling to Thailand are actually using in their searches. An excellent tool to assist in this research is Wordtracker . Wordtracker will quickly help you to decide which key words are truly worth bidding on.
3. Quality pay per click search engines will have starting bids from one cent to five cents per key word. It is important to know that about 80% of the traffic for any key word will go to the top three bids. So if you want a lot of traffic to your web site try to position yourself in the top three spots. Just as with real estate location makes all the difference in results.
4. Set up a realistic budget for each search engine. Quality pay per click search engines get a lot of traffic so be prepared for a lot of traffic to your site if you bid on popular key words.
5. Popular key words can be expensive so choose your key words with great care. It is best to stay away from key words that are too general in nature. Thus to continue with the example above bidding on the key word "vacations" would not be wise if you are selling vacations to Thailand. Yes, you would get a ton of traffic but it would be more than likely be too general and you would spend a lot of money for poor results. It is almost always a better strategy to bid on phases instead of one general keyword. Therefore bidding on "vacations to Thailand" would be a far better choice than bidding on "vacations".
If you are selling vacations to Pattaya Thailand it would be better to bid on "vacations to Pattaya Thailand" than on "vacations to Thailand". The more keywords that you can find that exactly match up with whatever it is that you are selling and that folks will be searching for the more money you will save (less money will get you in the top three spots) and the better your results will be.
Wordtracker is an excellent tool that can find key word phases that are actually being searched for and that you would probably never think of going it alone.
6. Think about using a lot of keywords rather that a common few. The common few will be expensive and will likely deliver to your web site a lot of poorly targeted traffic with poor conversion ratios (traffic to sales). People search for the darnest things and those who actually plan on buying something usually search by using phrases. With some effort you can find phrases that are cheap and that will deliver highly targeted traffic...the kind that converts into sales.
7. No matter how much traffic you drive to a web site if you are marketing sorry products or services or if you have excellent products and services but you have a sorry website you are wasting your time and money. Everything must be right to achieve business success. Make sure that your site is "order taking ready" before you turn on your pay per click traffic.
About the author:
Online since 1997 the author early on achieved some degree of success with MLM programs. By late 1998 he was able to work online full time only to suffer the diappointment of the MLM companies not surviving the bust.
Since 2001 he has worked as a full time promoter of various affiliate programs and is once again a happy online camper. David currently resides in Thailand about eleven months of the year while maintaining a US office in Honolulu, Hi. His laest project is
Google Adsense May Be King But There are Other Options
Posted by Gadis | 5:35 AM | Google Adsense May Be King But There are Other Options | 0 comments »When it comes to making money with a website, one of the most
popular methods is running text and/or image ads on various
pages. It's referred to as contextual advertising and "inline
ads". Text or image ads are shown which match the content of the
pages. Inline ads appear as highlighted words on the page when
the visitor hovers over highlighted text on the page. Ads appear
in small boxes. Contextual ads are often displayed to the right
or left of website copy, or as blocks within sections of the
text. The ads shown are related to the content of each
individual page. As visitors click on these links, you earn
Probably the largest and most used of the contextual ad programs
is Google's Adsense. Google really is a giant when it comes to
the Internet, and their talents go far beyond just being a
search engine. Adsense is used by many site owners to bring in a
monthly income.
If you're interested in running Adsense ads, first you'll need
to apply and get approved. Once approved for one site, you can
place Adsense on any other site that you own. You can decide to
run only text ads or choose from image and text. Various sizes
are offered, and you can custom select colors to match the look
of your site. Once the code is generated, you paste it on your
HTML pages where you want the ads to appear. Simple & easy.
But what happens if you're not approved by Google, or for some
reason your Adsense account were to be terminated? What would
you do then? There are other ad network options out there and
I've gathered some of the best alternatives together here.
Before signing up for any ad program, make sure you read their
terms of service and any requirements to make sure it's a good
fit for your website. Also, review the payment options so you'll
know how and when you can expect to be paid. Let's review:
Once your site is approved, you insert the code on your page
and they sell simple text ads that appear on your site. You have
final say over any ads being published. Payments are made via
Paypal or Clickbank. You receive 50% of the sale price for each
link they serve up. This ad network is acceptable to be run on
the same page as Google Adsense as this is not considered
contextual advertising.
2) Adbrite
A variety of ad formats to choose from. You can run text ads,
banners, inline ads or even full page ads. You can choose to
approve or reject ads before they appear on your site. Pays
monthly with the default minimum check amount of $100.00. Once
your site is approved, ads will appear within 24 hours of your
pasting the code. Adbrite has no policy against using other ad
networks on your site at the same time.
3) Kontera
Contextually relevant ads and ad units which are linked to
keywords on your web page. Ads displayed will match the content
of your site. For your website to be approved it must be in
English, be content rich with more than 50 words per page. You
can run text, image, billboard, and video ads.
Quigo offers content-targeted advertising to those with strong
traffic. Publishers with 500,000 or more monthly page views are
encouraged to apply. Once approved, simply copy and paste the
5) Yahoo Publisher Network
Works very similar to Google's Adsense program. You design your
own ads, choosing colors and formats, then paste some code on
your page. You'll be paid per click. Advanced ad targeting and
display capabilities can sometimes improve your results. You can
choose to be paid via Paypal once your earnings are $50.00, or a
check when you hit $100.00.
A full service online ad network which serves over two billion
monthly impressions across more than 30,000 websites. Chitika
ads are not contextual and can be run on the same page as
Adsense. Twenty-four different ad sizes are available. Payment
is via Paypal once your account is at $10.00, or a check when
you reach $50.00.
7) Miva
Miva offers a wide variety of ad formats to choose from: content
ads, inline ads, search ads. You'll be paid on a per click basis.
Payments are made monthly by check or Paypal once your balance
reaches $25.00. You can also block competitor ads from appearing
on your site.
A different type of ad network which allows you to display
affiliate ads in an "Adsense Style". You can run Clickbank and
Paydotcom text ads on your site or blog and earn up to 75%
Display text ads on your website and let advertisers bid
against each other. Ad formats are skyscrapers, banners,
rectangles, buttons. They even have ads for your RSS feeds.
Payout is monthly via Paypal once your balance is $10.00. This
one pays on a cost per click basis.
10) AmaSense Ads
This service allows you to create Google Adsense styled ads for
Amazon products. Different ad formats are available which makes
it easy to integrate into your site. Amasense can also be used
side by side with Google Adsense without any problems.
As ads are clicked on, you earn a percentage of the product
which is paid by Amazon depending on the type of product that
is bought. You must have an Amazon associate account first
before signing up. To get one go to
As you can see Adsense is not the only game in town when it
comes to running ads on your site. If you have multiple sites,
you may want to use one of the services mentioned above, then
test, to see which one is a better earning opportuníty. You
might be surprised at what you learn.
It's against Google's terms of service to run another contextual
ad service on the same page as Adsense, but there are exceptions
to the rule. Most of the services above will tell you if you can
run their ads alongside Adsense.
If your websites are mainly information based, network
advertising is an excellent way for you to earn an income with
little effort on your part. No matter if you use Adsense or
another service, it just makes for good dollars and cents.
About The Author
Merle's Mission Blog- "Rants, Raves and Random Acts of Kindness" a self proclaimed "Internet Junkie"
with a passion for net marketing, affiliate marketing, social networking. An avid Blogger and writer
with several niche sites to her credít. Find out more at
How to get your site listed at Yahoo!
Getting your site an optimum listing in Yahoo! is perhaps the most important step in effective web site promotion. An optimum listing in Yahoo! can bring in more traffic to your site than all the search engines combined.
In addition to this, getting listed in Yahoo! will also help you improve the link popularity of your site which helps in improving the ranking of your site in the search engines. In this article, we focus on how you can get your site an optimum listing in Yahoo!.
First, you should note that Yahoo! is not a search engine - it is a directory. Unlike the search engines, an actual human editor evaluates your site.
Before starting, read Yahoo!'s instructions thoroughly. Read their Help Index and their How To page . Familiarize yourself with these instructions because they mean every word of what they say.
Before you submit your listing, go through your entire site and ensure that there are no missing graphics, no links leading to empty or non-existent pages, no "Under construction" symbols and no typos or grammatical errors. Your site should be easy to navigate, should load quickly and should look professional.
Furthermore, your site must provide unique content. Yahoo!'s definition of unique content is very strict - if your site simply consists of a one page sales letter, or, if it only contains links to various affiliate programs, you will find it impossible to get listed.
Also, your site needs to be in its own domain, especially if it is of a commercial nature. Having your own domain adds more credibility to your site and tells Yahoo! that yours is a serious site which won't be taken down very soon. Getting into Yahoo! is hard enough - not having your own domain will make it that much harder.
If your site is of a commercial nature (i.e. it is selling something), you need to mention the physical address of your business either in the home page of your site or in a separate Contact Us page which is linked prominently from the home page. This should be the actual physical address of your business - not a Post Office Box address. Of course, mentioning the physical address of your business is something you should be doing anyway - it boosts the credibility of your business which improves sales. Along with the physical address, you should also mention a phone number and a fax number (if you have one). Of course, you should always mention an email address.
Also, before submitting, select the two most important keywords for your site based on their popularity. While selecting the keywords for your site, you should look at both the popularity of the keyword as well as its competitiveness. However, for the purpose of this article, don't worry about the competitiveness - select keywords only on the basis of popularity.
Your first task is to find out whether your site is already listed in Yahoo!. Type in the domain name of your site in Yahoo!'s search box, and see whether your site comes up in the Web Sites section. Note that for your site to be listed in Yahoo!, it has to come up in the Web Sites section. If it is listed in the Web Pages section but not in the Web Sites section, it means that your site is listed in Google, not Yahoo!. If your site is already listed but you are not satisfied with the listing, read the last section of this article on changing your site's listing in Yahoo!.
Assuming that your site is not listed, your objective is to get your site a high ranking in the Web Sites section. Here are the factors which influence the ranking of your site in the Web Sites section:
Presence of the keyword or a part of the keyword somewhere in the name of the category or in the name of a higher level category.
Click Popularity: The concept of click popularity means that when a user searches for something in Yahoo!, it tries to find out which sites satisfied the user's needs. It does this by keeping track of two things:
a) which sites the user clicked on among the sites displayed in the results, and
b) how much time the user spent in those sites.
The logic behind this is that if a user clicked on a particular site and spent a lot of time in that site, that site must have satisfied the user's needs and hence, must be relevant to that particular keyword. In this case, the site's click popularity for that keyword improves and so does its ranking for that keyword. But, if a user did not go to a particular site, or returned to Yahoo! soon after going to that site, that site must not be providing relevant information for that particular keyword.
In this case, the site's click popularity for that keyword declines and so does its ranking for that keyword.
When you first get your site listed in Yahoo!, since Yahoo! does not have any data on the click popularity of your site, it will be listed right at the bottom of the search results. A question that arises here is - how a site which is listed right at the bottom of the search results can have many users clicking on it so that its click popularity improves. The answer to this is that when a user clicks on a site which is listed at the bottom, its click popularity improves by a greater extent than when it is listed at the top. This means that it only requires a few users clicking on your site to improve the click popularity of your site when it is listed at the bottom.
So, how do you ensure that your site's click popularity is high?
There are only two ways of improving the click popularity of your site - the description of your site in Yahoo! needs to be attractive and you need to build an excellent web site with great content which satisfies your visitor's needs so that they stay longer in your site.
Presence of the keyword or a part of the keyword in the Title and Description - If you want to rank highly for a keyword, the Title and the Description that you use to submit your site to Yahoo! should contain the keyword. Note that this Title is not the title that you have used in the home page of your web site and that this Description is not the description that you have used in the Meta Description tag of your home page. Rather, it is the Title and the Description of your site's listing in Yahoo!.
An important point to note here is that Yahoo! searches for strings rather than words. This means that if one of the individual words of the keyword is embedded inside another word, this will still boost your rankings. For instance, if the keywords applicable for your site contain the word Australia, but the description of your site in Yahoo! contains the word Australian, the fact that the string Australia is present inside the word Australian will be taken into consideration when your site is ranked.
Prominence of the keyword in the Title and the Description - "Prominence" means how close the keyword is to the beginning of the Title and Description. Other things remaining the same, closer the keyword to the beginning of the Title and the Description, higher your ranking.
Now we come to the Title for your site. The Title is important not only because the presence of a keyword in the Title helps to boost the ranking of your site, but also because sites in the various categories in Yahoo! are listed alphabetically according to the Title. However, Yahoo! insists that the Title should always be the official name of your site. Hence, short of changing the official name of your site, there is not much you can do about the Title.
Now we come to how you should write the description of your site. When you write the description, your aim should be to make the Yahoo! editor's job as easy as possible. You should not give the editor the feeling that he/she needs to edit your description in any way. The moment an editor starts to edit your description, you risk having your keywords removed from your description or worse, having it changed in a way which does not reflect the content of your site.
Your description should be a single sentence which conveys what your site is all about and contains the two keywords you are targeting as close as possible to the beginning of the description. However, your description should not just be a list of keywords - the description that you use should be a proper sentence and should be grammatically correct. It should also be attractive to your visitors so that they actually click on it, which will improve the click popularity of your site, and hence its ranking in Yahoo!.
Broadly, here are the rules that you should remember when forming the description:
Make sure that the description can tell a visitor what your site is all about. Things like "Have a look at our site" or "Welcome to my site" does not tell a visitor what your site does.
Avoid hype of any sort. Avoid using ALL CAPS or exclamation marks. Phrases like "The best web site dealing with widgets!!" or "Offers the BEST QUALITY, CHEAPEST WIDGETS you can find anywhere" are inappropriate.
Don't capitalize any word in your description - not even the first word. For some reason, Yahoo! prefers that the first word of your description is not capitalized. If you look at the sites in any Yahoo! category, you will find that almost none of them have the first word capitalized. Of course, if some of the words in the description are proper nouns, then you should capitalize them.
Write the description in the third person. Don't say "We offer financial planning and credit counseling services", say "offers financial planning and credit counseling services.".
Don't make your description too long - limit yourself to 10 words at the most. If you are lucky, you may be able to get accepted with a description longer than 10 words. However, longer the description, higher the probability that the editor will want to edit it.
Check your description for typos and grammatical mistakes.
End your description with a period. If the editor has to add the period to the end of your description, she may also end up editing the description, which is not what you want. Your aim is to have the editor accept the exact description that you had written in order to ensure that your keywords are not removed from the description.
Now that you know the description that you should use, it is time to establish the category to which you should submit your site. First of all, you need to determine whether your site is regionally specific. If your site is applicable to a specific geographic region, then you should submit your site to the appropriate Regional Category in Yahoo!. However, if your site is not specific to a particular region, then your site should be listed in one of the main Yahoo! categories.
Now, if your site is commercial in nature (i.e. if it sells a product or service) and is not regionally specific, it belongs somewhere under the Business and Economy > Shopping and Services or Business and Economy > Business to Business categories. If your site is targeted towards individual consumers, then your site needs to be under the Shopping and Services category. If your site is targeted towards other businesses, it needs to be in the Business to Business category.
If your site is both commercial in nature and regionally specific, your site needs to be under the Business and Economy > Shopping and Services or Business and Economy > Business to Business category of the relevant regional category.
With this background, let's see how you can determine the appropriate category for your site. Simply search for the two keywords which you have determined earlier. Go through all the categories which the top ranking sites belong to. Note down the category (or categories) which contain sites which are very similar to yours. In many cases, there will only be one category which contains sites similar to yours. In that case, this is the category to which you should submit your site. If you find that there is more than one category which contains sites similar to yours, and if you are convinced that all these categories are applicable for your site, select the two categories which contain the least number of sites. Your primary category will be the one with the least number of sites. The secondary category will obviously be the other category.
Now, create a text file in which you can record the details of your submission. Note down the date when you are submitting, the URL of your web site, the Title and the Description of your site as well as the URLs of the category (or the 2 categories) which are applicable for your site. Now go to the URL of the Primary category for your site, click on the Suggest a Site link at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions there. (If that category does not have a Suggest a Site link, then it means that it is a very general category to which new sites cannot be added.)
Instead of submitting your site right away, I recommend that you first use a dummy, non-existent site to know the questions that Yahoo! is going to ask you. Note down the answers to these questions in the text file so that you can paste them later when you are actually submitting your site. Of course, don't actually submit the dummy site by clicking on the final submission button - just use it to get an idea of the questions that Yahoo! will ask you.
Of particular importance are two questions. Yahoo! asks you whether there is any other category in which your site should be listed apart from the category to which you are submitting. If you have been able to locate more than one category which is applicable for your site, mention the URL of the secondary category in this field.
Yahoo! also asks you for some comments regarding your submission. If you have a unique product or service that not many other web sites listed in Yahoo! are offering, mention this here. Or, if you provide lots of articles and tips related to your business, mention this here. You can also use this to point Yahoo! to the testimonials that you have received. The comments should be made using less than 200 characters.
Also note that Yahoo! asks for your physical address, phone number, fax number, email address etc. These should be the same as the particulars listed in your site.
Once you have noted down the answers to all the questions that Yahoo! is going to ask you, double check everything present in the text file to ensure that there are no mistakes and that all the URLs (i.e. the URLs of the categories as well as the URL of your site) are working correctly. It is very difficult to change your site's listing in Yahoo! once you get listed, and hence, you need to ensure that you do everything correctly the first time. Then, offer a prayer to Goddess Yahoo! :-), go to the URL of the primary category for your site, click on the Suggest a Site link listed at the bottom and submit your site. Make sure that you follow all the instructions that are mentioned here to the absolute letter.
Now, remember that if yours is a commercial site and is not regionally specific, it must be under the Business and Economy > Shopping and Services or Business and Economy > Business to Business categories of the main Yahoo! directory.
Yahoo! no longer offers a free submission option for sites under these two categories - you have no choice but to pay them $299 for the Business Express submission option. For more information on this, go to their How to Suggest a Business Express Site page. Read the instructions and terms and conditions of the Business Express submission in order to ensure that your site is eligible.
Paying them $299 does not guarantee you a listing and your site is not given any preference in its rankings. Using the Business Express option merely guarantees that your site will be reviewed within 7 days and that, in case it is not accepted, you will be told why your site was not accepted. You shall also have a chance of appealing a rejection within 30 days. Of course, all the instructions regarding choosing a proper description and choosing a correct category are still applicable.
Once you have finished submitting, don't delete the text file - you will need it later when you want to again submit to Yahoo! (in case you are not accepted the first time).
What to do if your site is not accepted
A common reason for Yahoo! rejecting a site when it has used the Business Express submission option is lack of original content. If you get a message from Yahoo! that your site was rejected because of a lack of unique content, then your site may either be full of affiliate links and nothing else, or it may be a one page direct response sales site. In the former case, as I mentioned, your site cannot hope to get listed. In the latter case, you need to divide up your sales message into multiple pages.
Consider adding a few articles and tips related to your site. Then, send a polite reply to Yahoo! thanking them for their constructive feedback. Point out the fact that after receiving the feedback, you have added the articles and tips. Be specific here - tell them the exact URLs which contains these articles. Then request them to review your site again and add it, if they find it appropriate.
Another reason that they may say that your site lacks original content is that you already have another site listed in Yahoo! and are trying to get a new site listed. If the two sites have essentially the same content, then you will definitely be rejected. However, even if the two sites have substantially different content, you may still be rejected. In this case, there is no point in appealing the rejection - Yahoo! will definitely reject your site again when you appeal.
Instead, what you can try doing is to remove all links from the new site to the old site (and vice-versa) and ensuring that the design of the new site is also completely different from the old site and that no part of the content of the old site is present in the new site (and vice-versa). Then, wait 2-3 months, and again submit the new site to Yahoo! using its Business Express submission.
Another common reason for the rejection of sites is that in Yahoo!'s opinion, the site is still under construction. If you are convinced that your site does not contain missing graphics, links leading to empty or non-existent pages, "Under construction" symbols etc., then a common reason for Yahoo! saying that the site is under construction is that the site cannot be properly viewed under Netscape.
Yahoo! editors generally use Netscape and hence, it is vitally important that your site be accessible using Netscape. You need to ensure that your site can be viewed properly in Netscape v3.0 and above. In order to see how your site looks under different browsers, go to
Once you have ensured that your site is accessible under Netscape, send a polite reply to their rejection note thanking them for their constructive feedback and then stating that the site no longer contains any elements under construction. Then request them to review your site again and add it, if they find it appropriate.
How to change your site's listing in Yahoo!
If getting your site listed in Yahoo! is tough, changing your site's listing is a Herculean task. Firstly, note that Yahoo! does not care about the ranking of your site. Hence, if you are trying to submit some minor changes to the description with a view of getting a higher ranking, you are unlikely to be successful. You should only think about trying to change your listing if
a) the URL of your site has changed, or
b) the official name of your site has changed (and hence the Title of your listing should change), or
c) Yahoo! has accidentally listed your site without a Description, or
d) the Description contains a typo, or
e) Yahoo! has placed you in a totally inappropriate category, or
f) the nature of your site has changed and the current description does not reflect the new nature of your site.
The URL for changing your site's listing is Read the instructions thoroughly before submitting your change request. In the last text box, provide solid reasons as to why your site's listing should be changed.
If you can't get your site's listing changed within 1 month from the time that you have submitted your request, try submitting your request again. If you still can't get your listing changed within 1 month from the second request, follow the procedures outlined in the section on what to do if your site can't get into Yahoo! using the free submission. However, don't submit a change request using the Business Express submission - Yahoo! specifically forbids that.
Wrapping things up:
Once you have got your site into Yahoo! (they will send you an email if you are accepted), your site will be added to Yahoo!'s What's New section. Furthermore, your site will be marked as new and will be placed at the top of the category (or categories) for 1 week from the time that your site is first listed. This placement at the top of the category can bring in quite a few visitors to your site every day. After the first week, the position of your site in the categories will be according to the alphabetical ranking of your Title. This will generally be accompanied by a decrease in the number of visitors to your site from Yahoo!.
Initially, because Yahoo! lacks any click popularity data on your site, it will be placed at the bottom of the results when someone searches for the keywords applicable for your site. However, with time, your site should start moving up leading to an increase in traffic to your site.
Article by Sumantra Roy. Sumantra is one of the most respected search engine positioning specialists on the Internet. To have Sumantra's company place your site at the top of the search engines, go to 1st Search Ranking For more advice on how you can take your web site to the top of the search engines, subscribe to his FREE newsletter by going to 1st Search Ranking Newsletter sign up.
Google AdWords New User Interface Webinar
There's a powerful new User Interface coming to AdWords.
I’ve been really impressed by it so far but I do think that many of us would benefit from some expert advice on the new features.
We’ve arranged a FREE Webinar, presented by AdWords experts Timothy Seward, CEO of ROI Revolution, Inc and Page Christenbury, PPC Account Manager at ROI Revolution, Inc. The Webinar will be hosted by Reena Shohet, Product Manager for SpeedPPC.
Learn about the top 3 new features you can use to stay ahead of your competition, save time, and rake in higher profits. ROI Revolution has been using the new Google interface in beta for a few months and has boosted their clients’ results substantially using these cool new features.
1. Ever been burned by the content network? Having trouble getting your existing content network campaign to make you money?
There is a critical new tool in the AdWords new user interface which will clear away the content network fog and allow you to target specific websites down to the URL to easily alter the bids on profitable or unprofitable websites.
ROI Revolution used this new feature to boost exposure and conversions on one particular site for a client by 100% week after week.
2. Before you change any bids in your account, you NEED to know about a super accessible keyword analysis feature.
With this new Google feature you can laser-target any specific broad or phrase match keyword in your entire account and view the actual search queries that triggered an ad for that keyword.
Even better, you can either add those keywords or exclude them, right from the interface. This will save you money immediately by cutting your waste ad spend!
3. Are you tired of clicking into multiple campaigns to view all of your top ad groups and keywords for your account, wasting your valuable time?
The new Google account layout structure is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it gives you instant visibility to your top-performing or highest volume keywords so you make important changes in a snap.
In summary, you'll see how the new AdWords User Interface will save you hours of your limited time, help you cut wasted ad spend, and discover hew highly relevant keywords and placements to scale your online profits.
Finally, to help you take advantage of these new features sooner (if you don't already have access), your confirmation email will include a link to join the beta for this new Interface.
There is no charge to attend this webinar, but don’t delay – space is limited to 1,000 attendees.
Who: This webinar is most beneficial for AdWords advertisers who have been using AdWords regularly for at least 3 months.
When: Thursday, May 14th at 8:00pm EST (7:00pm CST / 6:00pm MST / 5:00pm PST)
Reserve your complimentary spot here:
For more information on ROI Revolution, Inc.:
Voice: 919-954-5955
Per Ads click : $0.01
Referral : $0.01
Earn from referral :
Ads per day :
Although quite popular, but does not provide ClixSense clicked ads for each day.
Titan Clicks
Per Ads click : $0.01
Referral : $0.01
Earn from referral : $0.01 / ads click
Ads per day : daily
This program is also quite good, every day there are ads clicked.
Per Ads click : $0.01
Referral : $0.01
Earn from referral : $0.01 ads click
Ads per day : daily
Good enough, every day there are ads clicked. Adsnya every day is also growing.
Per Ads click : $0.03
Ads per day : 4 ads guaranteed
Referral :
Earn from referral :
This program is a Pay Per View Ads is good that I know. $ 0.03 Per Ads
is a payment from the high of other programs.
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