When it comes to making money with a website, one of the most
popular methods is running text and/or image ads on various
pages. It's referred to as contextual advertising and "inline
ads". Text or image ads are shown which match the content of the
pages. Inline ads appear as highlighted words on the page when
the visitor hovers over highlighted text on the page. Ads appear
in small boxes. Contextual ads are often displayed to the right
or left of website copy, or as blocks within sections of the
text. The ads shown are related to the content of each
individual page. As visitors click on these links, you earn
Probably the largest and most used of the contextual ad programs
is Google's Adsense. Google really is a giant when it comes to
the Internet, and their talents go far beyond just being a
search engine. Adsense is used by many site owners to bring in a
monthly income.
If you're interested in running Adsense ads, first you'll need
to apply and get approved. Once approved for one site, you can
place Adsense on any other site that you own. You can decide to
run only text ads or choose from image and text. Various sizes
are offered, and you can custom select colors to match the look
of your site. Once the code is generated, you paste it on your
HTML pages where you want the ads to appear. Simple & easy.
But what happens if you're not approved by Google, or for some
reason your Adsense account were to be terminated? What would
you do then? There are other ad network options out there and
I've gathered some of the best alternatives together here.
Before signing up for any ad program, make sure you read their
terms of service and any requirements to make sure it's a good
fit for your website. Also, review the payment options so you'll
know how and when you can expect to be paid. Let's review:
1) Text-Link-Ads.com
Once your site is approved, you insert the code on your page
and they sell simple text ads that appear on your site. You have
final say over any ads being published. Payments are made via
Paypal or Clickbank. You receive 50% of the sale price for each
link they serve up. This ad network is acceptable to be run on
the same page as Google Adsense as this is not considered
contextual advertising.
2) Adbrite
A variety of ad formats to choose from. You can run text ads,
banners, inline ads or even full page ads. You can choose to
approve or reject ads before they appear on your site. Pays
monthly with the default minimum check amount of $100.00. Once
your site is approved, ads will appear within 24 hours of your
pasting the code. Adbrite has no policy against using other ad
networks on your site at the same time.
3) Kontera
Contextually relevant ads and ad units which are linked to
keywords on your web page. Ads displayed will match the content
of your site. For your website to be approved it must be in
English, be content rich with more than 50 words per page. You
can run text, image, billboard, and video ads.
4) Quigo.com
Quigo offers content-targeted advertising to those with strong
traffic. Publishers with 500,000 or more monthly page views are
encouraged to apply. Once approved, simply copy and paste the
5) Yahoo Publisher Network
Works very similar to Google's Adsense program. You design your
own ads, choosing colors and formats, then paste some code on
your page. You'll be paid per click. Advanced ad targeting and
display capabilities can sometimes improve your results. You can
choose to be paid via Paypal once your earnings are $50.00, or a
check when you hit $100.00.
6) Chitika.com
A full service online ad network which serves over two billion
monthly impressions across more than 30,000 websites. Chitika
ads are not contextual and can be run on the same page as
Adsense. Twenty-four different ad sizes are available. Payment
is via Paypal once your account is at $10.00, or a check when
you reach $50.00.
7) Miva
Miva offers a wide variety of ad formats to choose from: content
ads, inline ads, search ads. You'll be paid on a per click basis.
Payments are made monthly by check or Paypal once your balance
reaches $25.00. You can also block competitor ads from appearing
on your site.
8) AffiliatesGarage.com
A different type of ad network which allows you to display
affiliate ads in an "Adsense Style". You can run Clickbank and
Paydotcom text ads on your site or blog and earn up to 75%
9) Bidvertiser.com
Display text ads on your website and let advertisers bid
against each other. Ad formats are skyscrapers, banners,
rectangles, buttons. They even have ads for your RSS feeds.
Payout is monthly via Paypal once your balance is $10.00. This
one pays on a cost per click basis.
10) AmaSense Ads
This service allows you to create Google Adsense styled ads for
Amazon products. Different ad formats are available which makes
it easy to integrate into your site. Amasense can also be used
side by side with Google Adsense without any problems.
As ads are clicked on, you earn a percentage of the product
which is paid by Amazon depending on the type of product that
is bought. You must have an Amazon associate account first
before signing up. To get one go to
As you can see Adsense is not the only game in town when it
comes to running ads on your site. If you have multiple sites,
you may want to use one of the services mentioned above, then
test, to see which one is a better earning opportuníty. You
might be surprised at what you learn.
It's against Google's terms of service to run another contextual
ad service on the same page as Adsense, but there are exceptions
to the rule. Most of the services above will tell you if you can
run their ads alongside Adsense.
If your websites are mainly information based, network
advertising is an excellent way for you to earn an income with
little effort on your part. No matter if you use Adsense or
another service, it just makes for good dollars and cents.
About The Author
Merle's Mission Blog- "Rants, Raves and Random Acts of Kindness" a self proclaimed "Internet Junkie"
with a passion for net marketing, affiliate marketing, social networking. An avid Blogger and writer
with several niche sites to her credít. Find out more at
Google Adsense May Be King But There are Other Options
Posted by Gadis | 5:35 AM | Google Adsense May Be King But There are Other Options | 0 comments »
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